Recent Updates

March 9, 2025

Android & iOS, version 3.9.14

This release fixes a bug where new project tasks would sometimes get created in the Inbox, rather than inside the project you intended.

Big thanks to those who reported this! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


March 5, 2025

Android & iOS, version 3.9.12
Windows & macOS, version 3.9.6

โ€ข Bug fixes related to sync


February 25, 2025

Android & iOS, version 3.9.11

โ€ข Bug fixes and performance improvements


February 23, 2025

Windows & macOS, version 3.9.5

โ€ข Bug fixes and performance improvements


February 11, 2025

Windows & macOS, version 3.9.4

  • New color themes for 2025 to match mobile apps ๐Ÿคฉ
  • Bug fixes


January 21, 2025

Android & iOS, version 3.9.8

โ€ข Bug fixes


January 10, 2025

Android & iOS, version 3.9.7

  • New color themes for 2025 ๐ŸŽ‰
  • Option to increase font size
  • Bug fixes!


November 11, 2024

macOS & Windows, version 3.9.2

  • Fixed – Tag renaming and merging
  • Fixed – Search text input losing focus during sync
  • Fixed – Rapid Entry removed from Search and Trash views
  • Fixed – Error when converting a Reference List to a Project
  • Prep for API migration


October 8, 2024

macOS & Windows, version 3.9.1

  • Fixed – Search resets when clicking on lists in left sidebar
  • Fixed – Tasks in search results respond properly to mouse clicks
  • Fixed – Alert and Confirmation dialogs no longer cause Windows app to stop responding to user input


September 22, 2024

Android & iOS, version 3.9.4

  • Fixed a rather persistent bug where the app could get stuck in a loop refreshing itself after a password change.


September 7, 2024

macOS & Windows, version 3.9.0

  • Default settings are now consistent across webapp and desktop on initial account creation.


September 2, 2024

Android & iOS, version 3.9.2

  • Fixed a rare bug where the app would sometimes keep reloading itself.


September 1, 2024

Android & iOS, version 3.9.1

  • Invisible bug fixes ๐Ÿ™‚ … but they were important nonetheless.


August 29, 2024

Android & iOS, version 3.9.0

  • New: Tap “share” from other Android apps to create new to-do’s directly in Nirvana (text and urls only, for now).
  • Updated a bunch of stuff under the hood to keep current with latest Android requirements.


July 30, 2024

Windows & macOS, version 3.8.9

  • Significant rewrite of cloud-sync, aligning Windows and Mac apps with Android and iOS apps.
  • Code optimization and bug fixes.


July 23, 2024

iOS, version 3.8.7

  • Fixed an iOS specific issue where local cache would sometimes become inaccessible due to a low-level bug in iOS webkit.


June 29, 2024

Android & iOS, version 3.8.6

  • Bug fixes!


June 24, 2024

Android & iOS, version 3.8.5

  • Bug fixes!


June 1, 2024

Android & iOS, version 3.8.4

  • Improved resilience for users with intermittent network connections
  • Updated several underlying libraries to support upcoming features


March 8, 2024

iOS, version 3.8.3

  • Fixed a sync issue that was impacting users when device was running low on memory
  • Fixed unresponsive “sign out” button in Settings.


February 8, 2024

Windows & macOS, version 3.8.6

  • Fixed a sync issue that was impacting some users with large amounts of data.


February 7, 2024

Web app, build 1707331858

  • Fixed an issue with login that was affecting certain browsers.

Windows & macOS, version 3.8.4
Web app, build 1707275958

  • Maintenance release / bug fixes
  • Incremental migration to new cloud infrastructure


January 22, 2024

Android & iOS, version 3.8.2

  • Maintenance release / bug fixes


December 18, 2023

Android & iOS, version 3.8.1

  • Cloud sync has been optimized for better performance
  • Pull-to-refresh now does a full data fetch (rather than incremental)
  • Fixed swipe-left gesture on the date-picker popover (used to assign due dates, scheduled and recurring dates, and reminders)
  • iOS 17+ now requires full access to your calendar in order to show calendar events inside Nirvana


June 25, 2023

Android, version 3.7.7

Fixed a bug on Android where Nirvana would render in Dark Mode when the OS Theme was set to Dark, even if Nirvana Settings > Appearance was explicitly set to Light.


June 21, 2023

Android, version 3.7.6

Fixed a bug on Android where “long-press to select/copy/paste” was illegibly rendering black text on black background.


June 17, 2023

Android & iOS, version 3.7.5

Fixed a bug that affected some users where the app would freeze or continually reload itself.


June 15, 2023

Android & iOS, version 3.7.4

Fixed a bug where some changes weren’t being saved under certain low memory conditions.


June 15, 2023

Android & iOS, version 3.7.3

UI / UX tweaks
– New buttons to filter by tag, effort, due
– Word-wrap long task names (toggle on/off)
– Cleaner layout of task and project details
– Easier to edit checklists in task notes
– Reduced haptic buzzing

New Settings
– Leave completed to-dos in place
– Create new to-dos at the top of lists
– Cleanup/Log completed to-dos ‘daily’

Bug Fixes
– Fixed a bug where Nirvana would crash on some Android devices if Calendar Events were enabled but no default calendar could be found (e.g. disabled in native Calendar app settings)
– Fixed a bug where switching between Light and Dark modes on certain Android devices wouldn’t take
– Fixed an issue that was preventing new users from creating an account with email addresses ending in longer TLDs (such as .digital)


June 15, 2023

Windows & macOS, version 3.7.0
Web app, build 1686810202

Feature alignment with updated Mobile apps, including a new setting to “Log completed items: Daily” as well as accommodating the inserting of newly created tasks at the top of lists.

And we squashed number of minor bugs. ๐Ÿ‘พ


January 25, 2023

Windows & macOS, version 3.5.18
Web app, build 1674633485

Fixed a few right-click sub-menus that were rendering wonky.


January 23, 2023

Web app, build 1674555662

  • Fix: Right-click menus now scroll vertically for all sub-menus with more items than can fit in viewport (aka if you have a lot of projects or tags);
  • Fix: Right-click menus now reposition into viewport if invoked at bottom of screen;
  • Fix: Next options menu > project actions > show > top N now renders correctly to the right.


January 20, 2023

windows & macOS, version 3.5.17

Regression fix: clicking a URL opens page in external browser.


January 19, 2023

macOS, version 3.5.16

Fixed a bug where Nirvana wouldn’t launch for users with the latest Apple Silicon (M1/M2) machines. If you use a Mac and the app won’t launch, please re-install Nirvana from our downloads page. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


January 18, 2023

macOS & Windows, version 3.5.15
Web app, build 1674022846

When creating or editing a task, assigning the task to a different project or state (via the pulldown menus on the right) now correctly places the task at the end of the destination project or list.

Shout out to power user Kevin for his persistence and patience on this one.


January 1, 2023

Android & iOS, version 3.6

New Feature โ€” Reminders! Set a date/time to be reminded of a pending to-do, and youโ€™ll receive a push-notification when that moment arrives. ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐Ÿฅณ

Weโ€™ve also tweaked the user interface in a number of places to make Nirvana easier to use. Youโ€™ll find subtle adjustments throughout the app.

You can read more about these changes here.


June 10, 2022

macOS & Windows, version 3.5.14

Mac version is now a universal binary, running native on Intel as well as Apple Silicon (M1) . We also updated some underlying libraries to latest versions, most notably this. Later gets a keyboard shortcut: Shift+L


June 7, 2022

Android & iOS, version 3.5.2

Bug fixes. And getting things ready for deep-linking.


May 30, 2022

Android & iOS, version 3.5.1

Significant rewrite of the app for performance. Lots of underlying foundational work to allow for future development. (For the nerd curious, we migrated from Cordova to Capacitor!) We also updated the in-app purchase/subscription flow to support both iOS and Android devices.


November 25, 2021

macOS & Windows, version 3.5.13
Web app, build 1637880631

Fix for multi-select via “lasso” โ€” now works again as expected.


November 17, 2021

macOS & Windows, version 3.5.12

Fix for Project view where notes exceeding window height could not be seen. Scroll bars now appear when needed, and we also ensure that project tasks are always visible below.

Updated underlying libraries to latest versions.


November 16, 2021

Web app, build 1637094776

Fix for Project view where notes exceeding window height could not be seen. Scroll bars now appear when needed, and we also ensure that project tasks are always visible below.


August 16, 2021

Android & iOS, version 3.4.10

Bug fixes – underlying open-source libraries updated to latest versions.


July 13, 2021

macOS & Windows, version 3.5.11
Web app, build 1626170308

Regression fix ๐Ÿ”จ
When assigning a task to a project (inside task edit view), projects are listed alphabetically again โ€“ as per user preference.


July 9, 2021

macOS & Windows, version 3.5.10

Maintenance release / bug fixes. ๐Ÿค–


March 23, 2021

macOS & Windows, version 3.5.9

Nirvana Desktop now sports spell chekcing checking. Right-click as needed. We’ve also put the app through the paces on our new Apple Silicon M1 computers and all appears to be working smoothly. ๐Ÿ˜€

Web App, build 1616523124

Fixed a Firefox-specific bug where attempting to remove tags from a task or project would always leave one tag behind. Now you should be able to go tag-free again!


March 16, 2021

macOS & Windows, version 3.5.8
Web App, build 1615584906

Fixed a bug where Tags > All would get deselected when switching areas. Tweaked the global area pulldown menu in the top nav to scroll, allowing for many more areas than we ever thought anyone would ever need.


February 3, 2021

Web App, build 1612370450

A quick maintenance release to fix an issue on Windows 10 where pressing the windows key was triggering the left nav to run up towards the Inbox. You should now be able to windows+tab around (as one does) and still find Nirvana as you left it when you come back.


September 15, 2020

Android, version 3.4.9

Fixed a bug that was causing users to get stuck in an endless loop if they taped “deny” on sharing access to their calendar. Sorry about this!


August 31, 2020

iOS & Android, version 3.4.8

This update brings the design language of the mobile apps in line with recent changes to the web and desktop apps. Which means that among other nice and tidy tweaks, Dark Mode ๐Ÿ‘ฝ is finally here! And a new feature specific to mobile, we now list your Calendar Events ๐Ÿ—“ for the day at the top of Focus. Super minimal, but super handy.

macOS & Windows, version 3.5.6

The first generally available release (as open beta) of the desktop apps, linked to directly from the main Nirvana website! Minor bug fixes since v3.5.5 that bring the code in line with with the most recent July 31 Web App release (see below for deets).


July 31, 2020

Web App, build 1596197929

Upon further reflection, Dark Mode should really be for everyone. The bean counters want to monetize, the product people just want life to be better for all… this round goes to the product peeps. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

Also, some fixes. And give a shout out to รผber-mensch-bug-finder Mateusz for reporting these:

  • Left nav, right-click to empty trash works again.
  • Multiple tags in task dialog now correctly word-wraps when there are enough tags to warrant it.


July 16, 2020

Web App, build 1594938421
Desktop App, version 3.5.4 (macOS & windows)

Fixed: Rapid Entry text input colors legible again when background color set to Slate; Expanded task notes now word-wrap at window width again, rather than at 600px!


July 10, 2020

Web App, build 1594397898

  • Keyboard navigation enhancements โ€” Select tasks with up/down arrow keys; shift+up/down to select multiple tasks; option+up/down to move selected tasks; with tasks selected, right arrow to show notes, left arrow to hide notes, enter to edit, then enter to save changes; n key inserts a new task just below selected tasks; and bracket keys [ and ] are now what we use to traversing lists in the left navi.
  • Drag-select fixes โ€” Select tasks like you would select files and folders on your computerโ€™s desktop, then right-click for options or drag selected items to another list.
  • Use your browser’s back button to navigate to the previous list you were looking at. Forward button works as well, of course. Which means you can now permalink to a specific list or project too.
  • Is it July 10, 2020 or 10 July 2020? Finally, an app setting for this.
  • Legibility improvements โ€” no more tiny fonts, and color contrast has been increased to help reduce eye strain.
  • Dark mode is now a Nirvana Pro feature (๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ thanks for supporting us!)
  • Updated tons of underlying code libraries to latest versions.
  • Updated tons of underlying code to enable theming and internationalization (in an upcoming release). 


July 10, 2020

Desktop App, version 3.5.3 (macOS & windows)

Fixed a regression where right-clicking on a task (to bring up the context menu) wasn’t displaying scroll bars if there were too many items to fit within the app window.


July 9, 2020

Desktop App, version 3.5.2 (macOS & windows)

  • Keyboard navigation enhancements โ€” Select tasks with up/down arrow keys; shift+up/down to select multiple tasks; option+up/down to move selected tasks; with tasks selected, right arrow to show notes, left arrow to hide notes, enter to edit, then enter to save changes; n key inserts a new task just below selected tasks; and bracket keys [ and ] are now what we use to traversing lists in the left navi.
  • Drag-select fixes โ€” Select tasks like you would select files and folders on your computerโ€™s desktop, then right-click for options or drag selected items to another list.
  • Legibility improvements โ€” no more tiny fonts, and color contrast has been increased to help reduce eye strain.
  • Dark mode is now a Nirvana Pro feature (๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ thanks for supporting us!)
  • Updated tons of underlying code libraries to latest versions.
  • Updated tons of underlying code to enable theming and internationalization (in an upcoming release).     


March 31, 2020

Desktop App, version 3.2.16 (macOS)
Fixed an issue where trying to launch macOS app resulted in warning dialog preventing the app from running on macOS 10.15 โ€œCatalinaโ€

Focus Emails
Now that our mobile apps support deep linking we’ve updated Focus email links โ€“ when clicked they can now launch the Nirvana app rather than always defaulting to the mobile website.


March 18, 2020

Desktop App, version 3.2.14
Minor update to help us debug some bugs. We also needed to release this build to match our new code-signing certificates.


March 11, 2020

iOS App, version 3.4.7
iPad Split View! Finally! This version also brings the iOS app up to par with our recent Android release. If you’re in the Beta group you’ll get this update via TestFlight. For everyone else, you’ll get this just as soon as the Apple gatekeepers approve it for the ol’ AppStore.


February 26, 2020

Android App, version 3.4.6
After waaaaay too many moons we’re finally releasing an updated Nirvana for the latest Android phones. โญ๏ธ For those on the Beta channel you should see this arrive on your devices shortly. Many bugs squashed of our own fixing, many more because we’re now using the latest libraries that prop up our code under the hood. This update is a necessary stepping stone towards new feature development. Note: you’ll need Android 7 or better.


February 18, 2020

Web App, build 1582066800
We discontinued the sneaky ability to load Nirvana in a web browser without an internet connection. As we’re in the process of modernizing our code across all platforms, rather than trying to maintain this feature we decided to build standalone apps for Mac and Windows for your offline productivity pleasure. If you were of the select few who even knew how to run Nirvana offline in a web browser, fear not! โ€” Install our desktop app on your laptop and you’ll feel right at home on that WiFi-less trans-oceanic flight. โœˆ๏ธ


October 9, 2019

Desktop App, version 3.2.12
New Stuff: Choose your preferred date format (mm/dd or dd/mm). Dark Mode. ๐Ÿ‘ฝ Fixed a bug in tag manager that was causing all new tags to be created as Areas. Cool.


July 10, 2019

Desktop App, version 3.2.11
Cleaner macOS installation UX. Fixed a few bugs related to Later actions. ๐Ÿ“ŒCode cleanup / supporting library updates.


June 5, 2019

Desktop App, version 3.2.10
A bunch of users were getting stuck on a โ€œloadingโ€ฆโ€ screen right after logging in.  ๐ŸฅพNot very helpful that.  This version should help everyone get on to their todos.